• Warning: Spoilers
    I have given this a ten/ten - not because it is the best movie ever made - but because it is DIFFERENT. ORIGINAL. Two words that rarely grace write-ups of today's movies.

    The premise is absurd (if it's an alternate world, how come Napoleon still invaded Russia in 1812?) so you will need to suspend disbelief.

    As the late, great Don LaFontaine would have said, "in a world where..." - in this case, the filters between people's brains and their mouths are MISSING, so people constantly blurt out the first thing that comes into their heads, without any consideration for their fellow-humans' feelings.

    It is thus a BLEAK world (which is cleverly in direct contrast to the beautiful locations the movie was filmed in).

    However, along comes Ricky - who discovers fame and fortune when he begins to buck this trend. But it cannot win him what he ultimately wants - a pretty but self-obsessed American woman.

    Oh, he could win her by lying - but he has too much integrity for that.

    And although this writer has ticked the "spoiler" box - he is saying no more. You'll have to SEE the movie.

    It is peppered with cameos and small roles being played by famous actors. They obviously wanted to come along on THIS ride - because they wanted to take part in something that was DIFFERENT. ORIGINAL.

    Which is where this writer came in...