• Warning: Spoilers
    There's no point in going on about this inexpensive piece of soft porn. The acting is at about the same level as that which might be found in a high school play in Edison, New Jersey. The direction is functional, which occasional hints of true skill as the more intimate features of pubic regions are avoided or edited out. Enough anatomy can be seen that we can determine that not only are the women clean shaven but the men as well.

    The ladies are mostly blonds with fluffy hair and glossy lips. Their porcelain teeth glisten in the glow of candles or, who knows, in complete darkness. Their boobs are of a monstrous -- actually frightening -- size. The performers have rock hard abs, buns of steel, skin as smooth as silk, the horniness of minks, and blood testosterone of celestial magnitude. They look like me but not like you.

    I didn't watch it all the way through. Another reviewer remarked that a good scene, which I take to mean a dirty scene, takes place in a car. I missed it. Maybe it redeems the rest of this Los-Angeles-shot piece of trash but I doubt it. The plot, such as it is, leads nowhere. It's like listening to Jeepers Creepers over and over without ever getting to Where'd you get those peepers.

    You can watch something like this any weekend on Cinemax or one of the other cable channels. Unidentified fingers will caress unidentifiable fossae of pink flesh. Two narcissists of one or another sex will make love on the screen for pennies.