• Where to start with this?.

    I really wanted to like this, I love sci-fi films, even the ultra low budget ones, I love horror films, even low budget ones, but this, oh my God.

    The special effects were straight out of the 1970s Doctor Who school of sci-fi. Cheap looking sets, plastic guns, boiler suits for spacesuits. Hard to believe this was made in the 21st Century, it would have been rubbish even back in the 70s. As for the acting, good God, where did they get these people?. The acting is worse than even that in any adult movie, it is that bad. Luckily I was given the DVD from a friend, I am so glad I never paid for it. It says something for how bad this is though, that my friend had bought it for £1 from a Pound Shop less than three years after it was made. It isn't even worth the pound he paid to be honest.

    Another for the "Avoid" list I am afraid.