• Warning: Spoilers
    I have read most of the Arthurian Legends on the market, starting with Green's (which gave a fairly good rundown of the popular tales), Zimmer Bradley (which gave an insight to Morgan's side of the story, which is often ignored) and of course, Malory. What I am amazed at is that Morgan is suddenly Uther's daughter, not Igraine's; it is my opinion that this father-daughter relationship changed the course of Morgan's psychological formation. I will not go into much details here (as I've only watched two episodes), but Morgan in the texts are drawn as a conflicting character; on one hand she's an evil sorceress (while Guinevere is drawn as a Christian queen - I never understood that, to me she's just a cheating harlot), while on the other she is the only one who can save Arthur from eternal death.

    So is this good for a B-rated pseudoliterary/historical drama series? Probably. Should you expect some literary accuracy? No. But then again, this is a TV series, not Documentary Channel, so maybe it is wrong of me to expect some accurate depictions.