• Imitative and unimaginative sequel (read remake) of Guillermo Del Toro's unique theatrical treatment of Donald A.Wollheim's short story "Mimic" is a direct-to-DVD movie, with performances to match. The central character is, for all intents and purposes, identical to that of the autistic child in the first film, here portrayed as a vulnerable, mistreated, misunderstood entomological enthusiast who daylights as a primary school teacher. Her curiosity with the insect world leads both her and a pair of hard case students into a night of terror, relentlessly hunted by the mutated Judas bug, fresh from feasting on her romantic rejections and primed to propagate the species.

    The characterisations are formula driven and predictable, each with their own cross to bare and point to prove. Uber-cool cop Bruno Campos looks a little young for the hard-nosed, toothpick chewing detective, while all the other ancillary characters are basic stereotypes each with two scenes, one in which involves their obligatory demise. Even the appearance of veteran movie tough guy, the late Edward Albert isn't enough to redeem this inferior sequel.

    Not always coherent "Mimic 2" begins when a running man's death leaves a suitcase full of the deadly genetic mutations, that gradually infiltrate the population. The film moves at such break-neck speed, that there's never any explanation for suitcase, nor much context around the central character's peculiar habit of taking photographs of herself, following traumatic experiences (an intriguing premise, it turned into a thematic cul-de-sac, simply abandoned without elaboration). Ultimately, at 79 minutes short, the plot holes are all consuming and the overall result is disappointing.