• I actually wasn't expecting to enjoy TRON:Legacy, but coming from someone who is fond of the original 1982 film, I did. TRON:Legacy isn't a perfect movie though, then again neither was the original movie. The film thematically is deeper than the original, but there are some parts where it comes across as rather formulaic for my tastes. Also while the characters are likable, they aren't given that much depth, and again while the dialogue is intriguing at most some of it is weak and dare I say stilted.

    That said, TRON:Legacy has a lot to redeem it. Jeff Bridges is great and Garett Hedlund is likable, but when it comes to the acting the film is stolen by a gleefully enjoyable Michael Sheen and a wonderfully edgy Olivia Wilde. The action sequences and chases are very exciting, and help keep the momentum of the pace and story going, and the soundtrack is just fantastic. But the real revelation is in the film's look. The film looks amazing and one of the most visually stylish films of the year- I just loved the cinematography and editing and the special effects and use of neons are outstanding.

    In conclusion, a surprisingly enjoyable film that I wasn't expecting to like. 7/10 Bethany Cox