
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The plot of this film is simple enough.

    An honest vet truck driver is tricked into being involved in a heist, where as a result of coincidences, a policeman is killed. The ringleader's brother is caught and sentenced to die for the crime, as the ringleader himself tries to get the truck driver to take the rap.

    In short, all the flavor of Film Noir, none of the filling character development.

    Basic Plot Logic fails here. The Truck Driver eventually goes to the cops, but instead of doing what cops always do, get a plea bargain as long as you are willing to testify against the bad guys, they use this guy and his pregnant wife as bait. In short, cops in 1946 were completely incompetent, and couldn't even do rudimentary investigations.

    Again, if you want the ambiance of the genre, it's an okay film but it lacks substance.