• Warning: Spoilers
    I've just noticed this is a film "Made for TV". Why am I constantly getting "Made for TV" movies from the local video shop??? Well that will explain why this flick is such rubbish.

    CGI scenes are atrocious. There is a scene at the end with a helicopter vanishing into the horizon. It just sits there, static, against the fake CGI background. The CGI looks terrible, especially on the helicopters. Shadows and light falls wrong on a flying machine - it's even worse on the fake little baby alien larvae-things.

    The big alien is just a dude in a monster suit. It looks clumsy and slow. How the hell is it able to bring down fast running human soldiers is beyond me. It's a ripoff of Alien and Predator. Yawn.

    The soldiers are all cardboard cutouts, you don't know jack about any of them so who cares. They're just monster-fodder. They can't seem to hit anything when the guy in the rubber suit plods at them, so his costume must be impervious to normal bullets. But these macho soldiers continue to use the same weapons against the rubber-suit guy even though Rubber Suit is picking em off one bloody body part at a time. Why don't they try to use better weapons against Rubber Suit? There are plenty of times in this boring flick where they could do better stuff to improve their survival, but no. Let's just continue to run around and shoot our ineffective guns that have unlimited ammo and we don't ever need to reload, not once!

    Also that woman was a poor representation of Ellen Ripley. She's so hardcore tough nothing except Arnold can defeat her. She easily takes down Rubber Suit Guy with a little knife. Yawn.

    What rubbish.
