• Warning: Spoilers
    I paused this movie several times because I became bored and went to do some household chores in-between. The boy and his newfound, creepy doll were not an original idea. Very stale story line(s!). Same-old, same-old "horrifying" elements of personified trees, the pretend childhood friend, flash vision of a bloody corpse in the tub -- startling, but not scary. Almost as if most of it were cut and pasted from other horror movies. Redeeming factors for me were that I admired the beautiful English countryside as well as the charming European buildings -- especially the spacious country mansion. The husband seemed a little too extreme in his behavior. For being a presumably refined character, he became rather over-exaggeratedly upset and used profanity more than I would expect from a well-bred Frenchman. He seemed poorly socialized, all considered. As for the wife, if she were "psychic," I would have expected her to be more perceptive of the situation and with stronger discernment. I wouldn't expect her to plunge her whole arm into a "horrifying" tree hole without a little thought. After she left her work in New York and moved into the house in England, her psychic abilities were more or less forgotten. I regressed the movie several times to listen again to a whispered word or two that were unclear. In contrast, I could have done without the annoying, loud, startling outbursts of volume. I almost didn't watch the entire film.