
  • I was very entertained by this film but keep in mind that I watch very strange cult and horror flicks almost exclusively. That said, Dolls did leave me pondering exactly what audience this film was intended for. Far too gory and suggestive for kids, the story is curiously fairy-tale like and full of the kinds of characters and "humor" one would expect from a Nickelodeon special. It really has the odd ball effect of coming off like a children's movie intent on causing permanent psychological trauma for the kiddies. In other words, kinda awesome for certain kinds of adults. Apart from the paradoxical tone and content of the film, the visuals are a treat! Creepy doll heads galore! Porcelain that turns to flesh, wet glass eyes that dart about in their heads, animated by forces unknown! Oh, the teddy bear scene at the beginning! I don't want to spoil it but that teddy bear scene is something else! Worth checking out!