• This is one of the worst superhero movie I've ever seen...

    I had enough of the bad-a$$ attitude of the hero, the sad love story between the hero and his lover, experiencing the awesomeness after getting the power... haven't we all seen this in Spiderman or Superman??

    The villain was shown like an idiot who is defeated by our hero in what was like a 2 minute climax(when all the experienced and smart Green Lanterns of the Universe fail to) And these Green Lanterns arrive after the hero defeats the villain, just like the Police in any Hollywood movie.

    The Special Effects was so stupid and childish, even a 3 year old would mock this movie.

    Acting wise Peter Sarsgaard was good. Blake Lively was pretty. Ryan Reynolds carried one expression on his face in the entire movie, he almost made Twilight actors look Oscar worthy. Tim Robins was wasted in the movie. The other Green Lanterns were hardly present.

    If you want to save yourself from anger and frustration, then please avoid this movie. The critics were right to mock this movie..

    this movie maybe for hardcore comic fans.. Rest all watch Kung Fu Panda 2 or Hangover 2 again....