
  • What's better than exploring a landscape filled with lunatics, mutants, sadists, and disposing of these creatures in a multitude of ways?... nothing.

    Fallout 3 shows that war...war never changes. Having come out over 2 years ago, and receiving 80+ GOTY (Game of the Year) awards, Bethesda Softworks makes you want to explore every building, vault,and city. Hack every computer, pick every lock, and kill every mutant out there.

    GAMEPLAY: 10/10 This is a triumph upon triumphs of the gaming industry. The engine works better than many other games that I have played. Sure, your character's movement is a bit unrealistic, but the intensity of the battles makes up for it.

    GRAPHICS: 8/10 Fallout 3 came out 2+ years ago, so while a little outdated the graphics are still amazing nonetheless.

    STORY: 10/10 Words can't begin to describe the emotional depth of this story...but i'll try anyways. From being born to your tenth birthday to your high school years to being an adult, character generation is almost as deep as the rest of the storyline, but I would rather not spoil it.

    SOUND: 9.5/10 Listening to Ella Fitzgerald while destroying an army of lunatics with a nuclear-bomb is a great experience. Nothing matches the sheer originality of this game's soundtrack.

    OVERALL: 10/10 A great game that was way ahead of it's time. It is an amazing game worth any gamer's time.