• I watched this movie recently. When it was over I sat in silence, thinking. Although I come from the town where it was shot, I had never watched it before. Parts yes, but never in its entirety. I would recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in making movies and especially those who as yet, are not completely lost to the cold logical grip of cynicism; it may just bring you back from the edge.

    I continued sitting in silence, wondering what it was about the movie that had so taken the reigns of my thoughts. I replayed the gritty fight scenes in my head, and the beautifully naive love triangle. The awkward line delivery and the wonderfully spiritual woodland scenes and inventive use of locations. And then it hit me; I felt like I had been looking at the sun without realizing where the light was coming from. It was James Bennett.

    Fatal Deviation lends some insight into a personal journey, of a road chosen and taken that has a far greater resonance than the negative derision that has resounded rather unfairly in my opinion from some of the movies obvious constraints; a journey that has embryonic dreams fuelled by a powerful heart and an "iron will" that refuses to say no. James Bennett hunts his dreams with a rocket launcher. And to be honest, in my opinion, the man should be regarded as an inspiration.

    Remember your classics? Dickens wrote about people like him. And speaking of classics, "No retreat No Surrender" probably one of the most underrated martial arts movies of all time springs to mind. I doubt if James will ever settle for meagre rations. I think he will always ask for more...

    It's easy for some to stand in shadows, sum up an individual by their "so called" failures; it's harder for those same to bring those failures into the light; because bound only by fracturing testimony, we know most would crumble beneath even modest scrutiny. In the shadows, the finger never rotates inwards. I know because I lived there for a very long time.

    I give it an 8/10.

    Fatal Deviation was filmed in and around Trim Co, Meath.

    James Bennett has a slew of credited and uncredited work, and is appearing with Johnny Depp and Timothy Hutton in a new movie about "The Lone Ranger".

    You got dreams? Don't sit there and complain, or mock the decent people. Either get up or shut up. Or perhaps take a page from James... hunt them down with a rocket launcher.