• It's a very strange piece of work. On the one hand you're going', "This is, clearly, utter rubbish. EVERYONE's being stupid - even the show's plot is allowing itself to be driven by their stupidity", and on the other you look up at your clock ... AND HALF THE DAY HAS PASSED!

    It doesn't amount to much - it's about this kid who likes some girl called Suzuka. there's a bunch o' "pull-n-tug" between them, with drama seeming to appear out of thin air (to aid them in their non-hooking up) and superfluous tangents for the story to go and waste time upon- It doesn't amount to much ... although it makes you think it's going to. One episode after the other, STUFF happens, developing to shake things up and you think all of it's building to something. It doesn't ... and the worst thing is you've figured it all out about half way through the series, you just spend the rest of it wondering if you actually have. In fact you feel somewhat played with at the end - like something has actually invaded your being. You get so hooked into this hypothetical mystery you've created in your head, about where it all could be going, and when you finally realise that it was on the 'Big Fat Nothing' road all along, you're just left feeling shaken.

    Now for some strange reason, I didn't know how to feel about that ... and I don't even know why. I wasn't angry with the show for getting the better of me, neither did I admire it for doing so. I just sat and contemplated the aftermath for a bit. I had clearly cared about the series and, for the first time ever (I think), I just couldn't figure out why.

    It's actually a bit like this review - despite how it begun, all I seem to have ended up doing is trashing the show. There's no pay off where I actually tell you WHY I liked it ... I mean I guess it just filled a hole or something. I don't know how or why but it just worked on me ... quite damned well in fact.

    Not that I'd recommend it to anyone, of course