• Warning: Spoilers
    I'm going to start by saying that this film is one of the best examples of "deceptive advertising" as it was sold as a "Skins meets Latter Days" and it ended up being a dull story about disrupted teenagers. The lack of originality was the main plate.

    First of all that was not a gang by any means. It was simply a group of freaks vandalizing everything on sight and assaulting people just for fun. Gangs deal with drug trafficking, arms, robberies... You wanna watch a gang-related gay film try "Our Lady of the Assassins" that one does deal with the reality thousands of teenagers in gangs have to deal.

    Anyways, moving onto the characters none of them make anything good to the film. Cal was a complete fraud: Somehow "attracted" to his friend Jonno yet they never engage in anything and that sudden attraction to Olivier made no sense at all. Why would he help him in the first place? Love at first sight? It was a very ridiculous move. Jonno's attraction to Cal was way too obvious. So obvious that it makes you thing he was the "closeted gay trying to come out". During the first 20 mins. I thought they would eventually end up together. About Olivier could he be any more queerer? and well Nessa I don't even want to talk about her.

    However what made this film an unforgiven waste of time were those over-the-edge coincidences. Just look at this: Cal's boyfriend, Olivier, happened to be one of Scott's student. Scott hook up with the guy (Cal) who put his partner into comma while he was at the hospital. Oh what a coincidence! The filmmaker was trying to show his Gonzalez-Iñarritu's abilities but he failed big time.

    I wish I could have rated this 0/10.
