• 16 September 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    *spoiler alert, (I guess, but who even cares)* There's too much wrong with this movie to bother naming all the lousy points. But here are a few.

    Cal is uber-masculine, and we're lead to believe in the first part of the movie that he's attracted to other masculine guys. Yet we're tilting our heads in confusion when he is suddenly attracted to this flowery French guy whose wardrobe consists of mostly pink. Not believable.

    Seemingly minutes after Cal gets all lovey-dovey with Frenchie Flowers and starts shacking up with him, Cal is not only able to have loving, passionate gay sex (whereas earlier it is shown that the only gay sex he could engage in was sometimes violent, always impersonal and anonymous, which would then make him throw up), but is also wearing Twinky McStereotype's pink clothes. Yeah, I don't think so. Not believable.

    The coincidences of how everyone is interwoven and connected is so over-the-top, it'd be almost funny if it wasn't pathetic. The text message sent at the end is great; "Sorry -Cal." Which is to say this:"sorry that this all sucks and my boyfriend, who happens to be your student, who happens to have been beaten up by my gang who also beat up your boyfriend in a non-related incident while you and I also just happened to have hooked up randomly online once, after which I bashed you in the face. But we're going to get on a train together, all smiles, in our pink outfits and be on our merry way while you cry over your comatose lover." That sentence made as much sense as did this movie. Not believable.

    And, really, I can forgive some goofy plot themes and unbelievability to a point. Because there are some watchable scenes, and some not-so-bad acting, even (NOT including Pepe Le Pew (Frenchie) - he was awkward and painful to watch 'act'). But it was the pre-wrap up confrontation scene which took this from the edge of ridiculous to a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me joke of a movie.

    Jonno, the best friend from his "gang" (pfft, some gang, by the way), RAPES Cal. In front of the rest of the gang, even. While sobbing. Now, I'm not saying gay rape doesn't happen. I'm saying it doesn't happen LIKE THAT. No way in hell. Everyone's going on about how shocking this scene is. And it is, but only because it's SO OUT OF LEFT FIELD and ridiculously not believable.

    A lot of this movie, as is the case with much of gay cinema, is used as an excuse to show cute young guys naked. And sure, some of them are totally adorable. But unless that's enough to keep your attention through some idiotic choices which made a movie with some potential really very bad, then you may want to skip this one.