• I'm not a big Gears of War kind of guy as it is. I played the first one and it just didn't keep my attention at all. I think it was the whole third person shooter thing that bothered me. Anyway, I had no intention on buying this game and I still don't. But I was at my buddy's dorm room for a few days and I played it out of complete boredom. I must admit, the graphics are fantastic. Even though i'm not a Gears fan, I definitely can at least see WHY people like it. Personally, I just think everyone thinks this game is amazing because it was a huge anticipated game and it just spread like the plague. Kinda similar to why everyone voted for Obama because he's black (lmao). But hey, if you like 3rd person shooters and love the other gears, I'm sure you'll dig this one. The campaign was a little boring... but the graphics were incredible. Probably a good game just to have id say.