• I had been eagerly anticipating Midnight in Paris ever since it came out. The concept seemed interesting, the cast on paper were great and I loved a lot of Woody Allen's early work(Annie Hall, Manhattan and Crimes and Misdemeanours come to mind). And I wasn't let down at all.

    To me Midnight in Paris is Allen's most sustained and most enjoyable movie in about 15 years. I personally would've loved for it to have been a tad longer, however with that there is much to like about Midnight in Paris.

    Starting off so promisingly with a gorgeous opening montage, one of my personal favourite beginnings to a Woody Allen movie actually, Midnight in Paris with its striking locations/scenery, beautiful colours and skilled cinematography is a very well made movie.

    Also, its soundtrack has a nostalgic and appropriately romantic feel to it. And the story is always interesting, it is splendidly dotty in its construction which ensures it is never overly-comic or overly-serious, but what made the story interesting for me were the literary and painterly references, it helps to know some of them but even those I didn't know were done in an informative rather than heavy-handed way.

    The characters like with many other Allen movies are examples of those you are not sure whether you would like, but learn to by the end. Owen Wilson's character is particularly true to this. Allen's direction is always assured, but aside from the opening montage and the references Midnight in Paris's remarkable selling point was the script, the comedy is savvy, the romantic elements are yearning and the questions asked are done in an affectionate manner.

    I don't have much to criticise the acting either. Owen Wilson in the central role was unexpected casting for me, but it was unexpected casting that paid off for he is delightful here. Rachel McAdams is suitably shrewish and Marion Cotillard is alluring and intelligent. Michael Sheen and Kathy Bates are rock-solid as usual.

    Overall, a wonderful movie. 9/10 Bethany Cox