• This is perhaps the first and last film I've seen that tells in the opening credits how much it cost to make! According to these credits, it's impressionistic and cost $200! How interesting.

    The film begins with an oddly costumed man playing a trombone. When he sees a lovely girl, he begins dancing about in a Caligari-inspired set. They then fall in love and time passes--during which time be continues to play his trombone for her. The look of this film is like merging the German Expressionism of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" with Surrealism--and it makes for a film that the average Joe would NOT enjoy in the least! Although, I am sure, Salvador Dali would have adored the film-as well as people under the influence of LSD! Pretty weird but amazing for only $200! Worth seeing if you are an artsy sort of person of it you are dying for something different--and it IS different!