• Warning: Spoilers
    I'll start this off by saying, if you plan to waste you're money on this movie regardless of all the negative reviews, then watch it in 2-d. DON'T BOTHER with the 3D as it ads NOTHING to the movie. I have watched many films in 3D where it didn't add a whole lot to the movie, this is the first time where I can safely say, not only doesn't it add ANYTHING to the movie, it probably makes the viewing WORSE. So steer clear of 3D.

    Now onto the movie, it starts off promising, I'll give it that. The first 5 minutes of this movie are probably the most exciting of the hole movie. The introduction builds suspense, intrigue, and excitement. Remember that feeling as from that point forwards, you won't feel that anymore. Rather, you'll start to feel confusion, frustration, and mild nausea.

    Acting is mediocre at best. Micky Rourke's performance is dry in this film, as is Henry Cavills and the rest of the cast. The script is pathetic, really. The dialogue is corny at best.

    The story doesn't feel suited for a movie, either that or it hasn't been executed well. Throughout this whole film I kept thinking to myself the story and sequences would be much better suited to a video game. On top of that, there are MAJOR plot holes:

    Why is the king after the bow? if world domination is on his mind, then how does freeing the 'titans' going to help him achieve this goal?? Why do the titans run around like thoughtless monkeys? Why in one scene is Phaedra intent on keeping her gift of foresight, and in the next scene gives up the gift to sleep with a man? Why put so much emphasis on her faith and devotion if she plans to give away her gift anyway? Why am I even asking these questions when the director has already cashed out at the bank??

    The final blow from this movie is through the trailer. The "action" sequences you see in the trailer are ALL the action sequences you will see in this movie. The trailer is substantially more exciting than the movie.

    Don't waste your time with this one.

    As for anyone calling this movie "art", I'd suppose they are pompous and pretentious fools who don't know what real art is. I do agree some movies can be considered 'art', but only if they are visually stunning, great story, great acting, soundtrack etc...i.e a whole package. When a movie just has several nice pictures in it, it's not "art", it's just trying to hide the fact that the story and dialogue is lacking..
