• Warning: Spoilers
    ... off on a Roman Holiday may well be the answer. It may or may not be significant that Moretti is so easily able to reference two earlier films although not content with that he throws in a performance of The Seagull albeit he depends upon the viewer knowing the opening dialogue of the Checkov play. Clearly this isn't everyone's cup of incense and those, like myself, who delight in seeing Catholicism taken down a peg or twelve, may be mildly disappointed. It may well be that for anyone brought up as a Catholic there me be references to be savoured that elude those of other denominations but the central idea of a total outsider who is elected only because the three front-runners are tied and then, thrust into the limelight, suffers a panic attack, is interesting and verges towards the surreal via the analyst who is summoned but not allowed to probe too deeply into the patient's libido and/or relationship with his parents, plus the game of volleyball played by the Cardinals to beguile the time until papa is inclined to accept his role.