• This film has much to recommend it and its reputation will probably go up in time as more people see it. It looks fantastic and the performance by Tom Hardy is compelling. There is no attempt to sentimentalise this character or depict him as a victim. The dialogue is taut and authentic and contains many lines which may, in time, become as familiar as those in say Get Carter. My favourite is "you just p***ed on a gypsy in the middle of nowhere. Its hardly the hot ticket."

    My slight problem is that the film sometimes tries too hard to impress. This is most noticeable during the long (literally) operatic scenes. These scenes become especially prevalent towards the end, when Wagnerian music accompanies Bronson's drawings (with an ill-fitting cartoon sequence) and the warden slow-mo strolling down the corridor. I did not see what the music added here. In the violent climax, the music actually detracted from the physicality of the scene.