• After a long time of evaluating I think I've finally admitted to myself, this has become my favorite anime (sorry, Berserk).

    On the surface it's a "more power" anime with giant robots, over-the-top action and ridiculous characters. However, the show knows this and plays into it while basically saying to itself, "I'm going to be the best more power anime with giant robots, over-the-top action and ridiculous characters that anyone has ever seen, and make it so epic that no other giant robot show can compete". And for me, it basically is.

    If I could only use two words to describe Gurren Lagann, it would be "pure energy". As far as entertainment value is concerned, I don't believe I've felt more entertained by any other anime. Not a single episode was boring filler (well half an episode, which is common in most anime), and along with the theme of the show, each episode is progressively bigger and better than the last. They could have easily made this a 2 season show by breaking it after a certain point, but instead kept it compact and fast-paced.

    I think what makes the show special is that it never takes itself too seriously (evident by artwork and animation), but ultimately is quite serious in its message, and very thought provoking by the end. Most philosophical anime tend to bog the viewer down in loads of symbolic jargon, and in the end, often end up confusing or boring the audience. Gurren Lagann has all that symbolism that loves to pop up in anime, but basically stays in the background and plays a secondary role. If you wanted to completely ignore the philosophical undertones in the show you could do it, and it would still be very entertaining.

    The story is pretty straight forward, but if you're wanting to dig deeper, I think the spiral concept used throughout the show is the most unique theme that has been done in an anime. The music is memorable and used very well throughout, with the Libera Me From Hell track from the final three episodes still occasionally being chanted by me, years after hearing it the first time. The ending is feel-good and appropriate to the series.

    I know this review will probably be seen by only a few of the already converted, but to those who are on the bubble, give the show a shot and there is a good chance it might just become your favorite.