• No wonder no one has reviewed this yet; Neither am I. Almost sorry I watched it.

    Last few months I've been watching History Chanell; mostly WW2 Documentaries. Familiar with: Battles, Weapons used, Generals on Both sides, etc. etc. Also I've known about this Event since I was very young.

    But this- film, excellently photographed, and Dramatized, showed details that are mostly absent in Documentaries.

    Anyone 'can Google' Lidice and come up with a TON of stories, videos, etc. But this Dramatazation of the Event, and what came Before it, was too personal for me.

    I feel Sick.

    If you are interested in History, you may want to watch it.

    Grateful it was NOT as Graphic as some Holocost Accounts; stopped watching Movies about: Holocost, Native American Genocide, Viet Nam War, American Slavery, etc.

    Now I'm going to get numb.