• Warning: Spoilers
    I absolutely loved this anime. That's saying something because I am very selective about what I like. Now to start, the music was pretty good. Music can make or break a series, and this series had great music. It ranges from bad-ass, sad, romantic, or funny. Now let's talk about the characters. First is Yukinari. I really like him because I relate to him. I am also kinda short, weak, and not popular with girls. However, he's a nice and good hearted guy. Next is Fukuyama. He's a perverted version of your typical popular handsome boy. He's pretty much a jerk. He's considered to be the antagonist of the series, which I like because I hate him. However, he's absolutely hilarious and he's the kind of character that you love and hate. Now let's talk about Miharu. She's a cute pink haired girl that Yukinari meets in Seirin, a magical world of mostly women. She's very optimistic and curious, but she's also very kind. I really like her and her relationship with Yukinari. It feels natural and it is great to see some romantic moments between them. Then we have Kirie. She's good at martial arts and she's aggressive, however she's also busty which makes her rather popular. She's hinted at liking Yukinari as well. I hate her character. She expresses her crush for Yukinari by beating him up and enjoys insulting and attacking people. There are more characters, but I'm only going to talk about the main 4. Now, this series is full of comedy and fan service. I consider the fan service like a pick and choose. I like to see fan service from my favorite characters, however there is enough for all of the characters. Despite the fact that the series seems rather superficial because it is mainly a comedy and fan service, I thought that it was touching. Each character had at least 1 episode where we get to see a kind and compassionate side to them, and that helps make the characters more interesting and easier to relate to. Finally I have to mention that the last 3 episodes made me cry. Like I said before, I am generally apathetic about most things, but I thought that the last 3 episodes were very sad and touching. I really liked Yukinari and Miharu and I didn't want to see them separated. Overall, I felt that this was an amazingly hilarious and entertaining show that also had some genuinely touching moments that I would recommend to others.