• A solid Saturday afternoon film. Nothing Oscar worthy here, but 90mins of mindless movie fun.

    Mainly about a IRA guy who gets in trouble in Belfast then must flee to Los Angeles (odd place, but that's where the producers live I guess) Once in LA he tries to begin a new life, only to pick up where he left off. Living the way of the gun. It catches up with him, along with his past.

    The film has great characters, we meet a lot of interesting LA drug lords, not very typical ones either. From a black flower shop owner (Keith David) who is one of my favorite actors BTW to a Chinese restaurant owner to Mexican thugs. The lead Mickey who was amazing has to deal with all these cats.

    The leading lady was OK, could of been hotter. And the brother Jimmy was kind of annoying. But I guess he is suppose to be.

    The tone went from realistic to hyper real, the film was stylized nicely. The director chose the rights shots and fished some great performances.