
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Directed by a workmanlike Arthur Hiller, "The Lonely Guy" stars Steve Martin as a lonely greeting-card writer who struggles to meet women. His partner in arms is Warren (memorably played by Charles Grodin), another lonely heart. The duo spend the film lost in depression, morbidly discussing their futures, love lives and suicidal funks. The film's blend of slapstick, anarchy and dour humour recalls early Woody Allen.

    "Look at that guy, he's got a girl. He wasn't born with his arm around her - he must have met her somewhere!" Warren moans. Luckily their perpetual bachelorhood ends with the introduction of several female characters, none of whom are particularly well written but all of whom who point the film toward a generic happy ending. The film works best when its aiming for morose comedy. As a romance it falls flat.

    7.5/10 – Fairly original plot undermined by formulaic romantic subplots. Worth one viewing.