• If you look back on the romantic comedy genre you can see that it's really gone downhill these days. Rom-coms of the 21st century have no heart, no soul, and certainly no brain. Arthur is a film that represents a more illustrious and heartfelt age of romantic comedies. Dudley Moore plays Arthur, a charming, funny, and lovable millionaire who also happens to be a compulsive drunk. He spends his days taking hot baths in a bathtub big enough for an elephant as well as driving around town living an exciting and carefree life. But his drunken antics are pulled to a halt when his father tells him that unless he marries the girl his family has arranged for him to wed his unlimited funds will be cut off. But that very same day Arthur meets the girl of his dreams and must make a life changing choice.

    Arthur is a film with a lot of heart. Its storyline is sincere and its characters are believable. You'll instantly fall in love with the wild and exuberant Arthur, but more so his sarcastic and witty servant Hobson, played by John Gielgud in a magnificent Oscar winning performance. Liza Minnelli plays Linda, Arthur's love interest and she does just as excellent job and delivers a heartwarmingly funny performance with the rest of the cast.

    Arthur also reminds us of a time when comedies didn't have to be so crude to be funny. Laughs are always about shock value these days, but Arthur manages to be clever and it's comedy comes from an intelligent script and great actors. Arthur isn't hilarious but it's sufficiently entertaining and is good for plenty of sincere laughs. Obviously the film as a whole is no masterpiece, but as far as romantic comedies go it's better than anything we might see today. It's a little sappy, very predictable, and it's characters are pretty easy to dissect on the base level. But Arthur isn't striving to be much. It's aim is to make us laugh and give us a heartwarming story. It does both of these things, so I would say it is a very successful film.