• This movie was on television when I woke up. I think it was on the "Diva" station (this is in Canada). Jessica Alba is an unconvincing music video choreographer. She says a lot of hilarious slang all the time, which sounds like an 8-year-old wrote it. Actually, every word spoken in this film sounds like little kids pretending to be adults. I don't know if Alba is trying to have some sort of Latino vibe going on, but it seems almost offensive.

    There was some sort of thing going on about her teaching kids how to dance, and trying to weasel them into a Ginuwine video. Unfortunately, this movie came after his totally awesome jam "Pony", so it was probably something pretty lame.

    This movie was so bad. I turned it off early so I could finish eating my eggs (sunny side up!) and toast without barfing.