
  • I must say reading some of the reviews before going to watch this movie, made watching more fun. People who put Tyler Perry down are right out of it! He is awesome and if you expected to see something like a Few good men, then you should not be allowed to comment. This movie is just insane, I love it. When I go to a movie I want to see exactly what I am going to see... This movie had it all. If I wanted to go to driving school I would expect cars and tests. If I go bowling I guess I would see special shoes 5/10 pin bowling balls and pins... What were you actually waiting to see? I love Madea, this is what I wait for in the movie, I appreciate the seriousness that is in the Madea movies, though I want to see Madea. If you never enjoyed Madea goes to jail or this movie, then you should stop watching these movies. I read the reviews, watched the trailers and yes I got exactly what I wanted to see, wish the movie was 2 hours longer. In this world, we have to find whats funny, cause everything else is pretty screwed up and after 30+ years in the forces, I am pretty sure I know what funny is! Madea gives me the type of humour I thrive on, she is so believable and cannot get enough of her. Thank-you, Jim.....