• This show started off pretty interesting, but that only lasted until I caught on to the humour. It seems that 90% of the jokes in this show are about sex and, while they can be funny once in a while, they get old fast. You'd think the writers could come up with some more original material for what they had to work with. They had so many things to joke about. The show is about a company that makes weird fictional products but, despite all the potential, the writers seemed to be fixed on just joking about sex. Besides the comedy, there wasn't much to take away from this show. Unlike many other comedies, Better Off Ted didn't provide any interesting story arcs or any reason for me to care about the characters. There was little to no character development in the whole 2 seasons that it lasted and I felt no emotional attachment to any aspect of the show. Because it's a comedy, none of that would really matter if the jokes were great but they were just okay.