• Warning: Spoilers
    This film surprised me, its a nice little gem thats hidden in the land of direct to DVD.

    The opening has Jimmy and his dad watching Death Wish 2 in the cinema before his dad decides that he will be stabbed in the chest and die by the hands of a mugger on the way home. Do we feel for this character in any way? not really, he died literally about 2-3 Min's into the film, not enough to establish anything apart from he likes Charles Bronson, smokes, gets p*ssed of easily, and bleeds even easier.

    in reality its only a plot point so jimmy can go work with his uncle in the storage facility which houses some shady peoples. a biker making crack, coke or some delicious treat, an absent paedophile that has pictures of tied up children in his luggage and a man with bloodstained clothing and a gun. its the latter that jimmy takes main interest into. in the end, him and his uncle break into the mans house and Jimmy's uncle (who's ex s.a.s by the way) tortures the man until he admits he killed his wife, and then kills him with a hammer (his head has the consistency of play doh when the hammer hits) and then the uncle finds out that he was actually innocent.

    i found this quite clever, reversing who you believe is actually the villain, which turns out is Jimmy's uncle (he kills the nasty people, including that paedophile) but after we find this out, this is where the film loses its suspense that its actually kept well for a while, which is where it starts to go downhill slightly. not to much, but enough to affect the overall rating of the film.

    overall its a decent and enjoyable thriller. it keeps it suspense for most of the film, the acting is decent but dips here and there and the story is actually decent as well. the death of the father is never revisited (apart from once in a slightly forced dream half way through) and its touched upon but never explored properly. but id still say give it a go, its not too bad.