• yes, it's cheesy. and yes, it's hard to believe that someone the caliber of peter o'toole would deign to be in a film like this. but i absolutely love this movie. it's nothing more than an enjoyable time filler/waster, but it's not meant to be anything more than that. alicia silverstone does a good job and thankfully lacks the whiny-ness of some of her previous roles (cher - clueless; eve - blast from the past; etc.). i truly think this is one of her better roles, even though it's a smaller film. the actors all look like believable musicians. and the music is good, too. though the plot can be a bit predictable, it's still a good time of a movie. it's nothing that will ever win an award (i think it's even too good for a razzie), but if you're looking for something that is strictly fun and doesn't require any thought, this is a good one to watch.