• I've always had a special place for this movie in my heart, as a kid. And now at 28, it still is if not better with age. Come on its has Bronson, Steiger and a great musical score. Oh and don't forget great locations. Movies that come and go, that stay in the lime light that are rubbish get better praise then this. And to be honest there isn't anything wrong with this film, it a classic late 70's movie. If you love Bronson it is for you, if you don't but love the 70's then you still may enjoy. It has its bad points and troubles from the start of production but nothing to make a big deal out of. It didn't do out in US but in the foreign markets it was still a huge success which is why Charlie stayed a huge bankable movie legend. The film is attacked like it was a major problem or something, the same with Bronson's Borderline which has also aged well, because it is a thriller drama about real things which audiences didn't want then. Anyway Love and Bullets is still a great movie and doesn't deserve any of the bad reviews it's had over the years, so don't listen to em, watch it for yourself. Its better then most rubbish released today thats for dam sure.