• Zombie Nazis, what's not to like? Well, Dead Snow wasn't great, but it was a good time especially in the last half. I liked that it took mostly place in daytime instead of the usual night to hide the clunky makeup and special effects. Speaking of which, the Nazi zombies only looked like zombies from their dessicated faces. The Nazi angle was in fact exploited very little, which is a shame, as the Nazi zombies could have been any other slightly-more-intelligent-than-usual zombies in uniforms. There was acceptable makeup, but I've seen better. There were some good gory moments. Some were copies of other films (or "hommages"), some seemed original (but I haven't seen everything).

    I particularly liked the parts with intestines (no, I'm not sick :) because they were clever. I didn't care much for the characters (or future victims) as they were cardboard-thin (basically one trait for each one, if that) and sometimes acted stupidly. One of the last confrontations and what ensued after a bite was brilliantly funny in a dark twisted way. There were other funny moments, but not that much. Scary? Not so much, but some tense moments. It veers more towards comedy than horror, but doesn't go full-blown ridiculous (as in the characters stay serious once the bloodshed begins). You could do worse than rent this.

    Rating: 6 out of 10 (good)