• Here is a confection designed to be a showcase for the adorable Carmen Miranda. It is her first starring role and she is given a lavish showcase in which to weave her magic. Vivian Blane, a gorgeous redhead, is given ample opportunity to show off her singing talents. In all, this is a typical example of the Fox musical of the forties. As far as the color goes, no one did it better than Fox. The vivid Technicolor fairly jumps off the screen, and the print on my DVD is extremely well preserved. WW2 saw a whole series of vividly Technicolored Fox films which were designed to take one's mind off the troubles at hand. As escapism, they were light, fluffy confections with good cheer and lovely visuals taking the place of great dramatic weight. Fox Technicolor at this time could be called super-saturated. Very bright and with set and costume design done to take full advantage of the pallete. Most of these Fox musicals have been amazingly preserved, given their age, and all have a nostalgic entertainment value. They really don't make 'em like this anymore.