• It's not often I find a show and TV personality so inspiring and influential over the years that I find a way to reach out to this level. I believe the entire crew, & all involved with making Cesar a house hold name, deserve credit for something as great as investing time and effort into Cesar Millan, "The Dog Whisperer" show.

    After working with animals my self since the age of 16 I still learn new ways to view the psychology behind training dogs from watching this program.

    Each season teaches me new ways to overcome obstacles I may face in training and also remaining calm and assertive in every situation that is thrown my way. When you can watch a program that provides entertainment, education, inspiration, motivation, and a sense of dedication to be a better person in your daily routines... Suddenly the shows power becomes a deeper impact -much more than important than just a story line about dogs.

    This is more about life lessons and teaching humans how to get back to their roots of understanding and respecting the world around us. I may have worked with several dogs, but I do not even own one! -And yet still regard Cesar's show as a powerful tool that effects me in a very positive way -no dog needed! Thank you to those who are responsible for continuing to be apart of something so much more than just a TV show, but allowing individuals like me to gain knowledge through each episode you make possible to air!

    Most of my life has been fulfilled by self motivation to never give up, but with Cesar, I also find a new source of inspiration, and for that, I wish nothing more than to meet the man behind the "Chhh!!" Personally, I am more of a Dolphin Whisper having trained them and killer whales, but I feel his phycology reflects so many of the same guild lines.

    In my own out reaches as an animal ambassador, I use the tools "Training Cesar Way" teaches us to apply it in a pay-it-forward manner of reminding people that we as humans must take responsibility and own up to the problems we create for animals... Not the other way around.

    As someone who has seen every episode and still amazed by what new things I learn, I hope they run another 5 years of this show.