• Warning: Spoilers
    I watch TV to be entertained, this show tries hard but falls flat in that most basic of areas.

    If you enjoyed the Transporter movies and are looking for more of the same, this series will surely disappoint.

    The main actor plays the role in a much different way to Jason Statham's original surly and uncompromising character. With a perpetual twinkle in his eye and a quick quip seemingly always at the ready, Chris Vance's interpretation is more akin to a rich playboy type than the teak-tough 'Transporter'. Still, it is just an interpretation and as such entirely subjective.

    The main issue lies within the scripts, and I did watch 4 episodes before finally calling it quits. Car chases and fight scenes alone do not make for entertainment, the whole thing needs to be glued together by an interesting and/or intriguing storyline. Sadly, that is not the case here.