• Warning: Spoilers
    Made in England with Terry-Thomas playing his usual crooked self. The special effects are incredibly bad and the film was made on a shoestring budget. (Example: Grandpa changes into a wolf with a puff of smoke behind a tree.) "Lord" Herman inherits run down Munster Hall, an English Manor replete with the usual British crooks and scoundrels. Really cheap sets. As usual, Marilyn falls in love with an innocent dupe who thinks that The Munsters are really scary. No funeral home subplot, it's a low budget remake of "The Great Race". The custom "Dragula" race car is really "cool". It is the only Munster movie with most of the original cast. Buy it because you loved Fred Gwynne as the lovable Herman. (Edward Hermann and John Shuck just aren't as good as "Herman".) Co-stars Hermione Gingold, John Carradine, Bernard Fox, and Richard Dawson in supporting roles. Sure, it's a silly movie, but it's also a lot of silly fun. A Halloween favorite that won't give the kiddies nightmares, and it's a Technicolor movie!