• Warning: Spoilers
    I have to confess I didn't actually see this movie. That was the only reason I gave it a 3. Yes, I did pay for a ticket, bought popcorn and sat through the trailers. I did watch the introduction and the opening titles. I did witness Hansel and Gretel's first hunt in the village whatever and their first clues about the witches' plans. I did witness Jean Grey tear a man apart with tree branches, and then cause another one to explode after he ate a gazillion worms. I left the theater then and there. If I had stayed any longer, I would've probably thrown up. In the 20 minutes I lasted, more or less, I was able to discover many faults in this movie. I didn't come in expecting a nominee for next year's Oscars. I was aware that this was a ridiculous take on a (pretty gory and horrifying on its own) fairy tale with pointless action and semi-attractive actors trying to make a profit. And who doesn't enjoy these two elements a nice long weekend? I knew it was going to be bad, just not "if I don't storm out now I'll vomit and not eat for the next two days" bad. The effects were sloppy, the script poor and full of anachronisms (hillbillies?), and the make-up effects seemed like they were done by complete amateurs. It all mounted up to a creepy, pointless and extremely disgusting image.I have a high tolerance for bad movies,so I can honestly say that this was the WORST movie I have seen, and leaving the theater was one of the smartest decisions I have made in my life. Watching Silver Linings Playbook a second time was a much smarter investment.