• Warning: Spoilers
    I may be partial to the film having waited a long time to see it. As soon as I found out Julianne Hough had been cast (I' a long standing fan from back in her DWTS days!) I knew I just had to see the film! I went out and bought the book and quickly read it in a matter of days.

    When I finally saw the film I was not disappointed. Although some features of the book had been changed I felt that the key elements were there. I appreciated the directorial style of Lasse Halstrom.

    Julianne Hough, in my biased opinion, was stellar. As a breakthrough in her first serious dramatic role I was impressed. Josh Duhamel as usual is lovely and beautiful to watch on screen. The real scene stealer, however, is young Mimi Kirkland who plays Lexie. Her comedic timing and toothless smile added an adorable element to the film.

    The whole film seemed so natural that there was an obvious, stark contrast to the drama and thriller aspect in the end. When Kevin Tierney reaches Katie in Southport the tone of the film changes. You've almost forgotten that you're watching a film, but rather a real relationship be built when suddenly Tierney is there, brooding over the characters.

    I loved the film depiction of this novel as well as the acting of Josh, Julianne, Mimi, Cobie Smulders, and Noah Lomax. I highly recommend it and would go so far as to say it's a must see! Of course the romantic comedy fans will eat it up, but the men who are dragged along might enjoy it more than they think!