• The greatest part of watching Dead Man Down was hands down the performances, Noomi Repace is absolutely a spell binding actress with unbelievable capabilities as an actress, an it shows in this film. Colin Farrell turns in a likable performance as Victor however, one must wonder if most of his performance was left on the cutting room floor, as with the rest of the film. While the film gains momentum within the first 5 minutes, it then is bogged down with a poorly executed shootout that left you straining your eyes and your brain to make it become sensible but, it never does. In fact, the film as a whole is quite a character driven piece that left the audience wanting to know the resolutions more clearly instead of wondering in convoluted plot twists that become bothersome due to the fact that it becomes a shoot 'em up action film in the third act. Normally, that would be the way to end this type of film if there wasn't so much character development. The film starts to have the milk or the cookies dilemma. On one hand, you have these fantastic performances around the board, each scene giving more and more insight into each character's psyche and then you have these epic scenes of action violence. Unfortunately, the film needed to be told as one or the other. Is it supposed to be clever? Is it supposed to be an action film? Those are some of the questions you'll be asking yourself. Overall, It felt as if the film was confused as to what it wanted to be. At the end of the day, Dead Man Down is a two star movie with 4 star performances. The end product is something that is better left as a rental but definitely worth a one time watch.