• Have you ever found yourself watching another absolute lemon and wondering how bad a film can be? Well, this offering answers the question. I would like to be able to critically evaluate its plot but I don't have the stomach for it. To describe it as infantile would be unmerited flattery. The dialogue? I can only assume it was written by a six year old afflicted with severe learning difficulties. The acting? I haven't seen anything as bad as this since .... actually I don't think I've ever seen anything as consistently and uniformly dreadful! Seeking desperately for something positive to say, I would accept that the martial arts sequences are reasonably well choreographed - but really, your time would be far better spent hiring an old Jackie Chan or Jean-Claude Van Damme movie. I've seen some real howlers in my time but this is without doubt a contender for the title of "Worst Film of All Time". Avoid it at any cost.