• First of all, I've never read any of Sylvia Plath's poems. Watching Christine Jeffs's "Sylvia", what I interpreted is that the movie wanted to focus more on Plath's depression than on her oeuvre. Plath was stuck in a loveless marriage and her poetry was the only joy that she got. We can debate whether it's better for a biopic to focus more on the subject's work or the subject's life, but I think that it's good to have a frame of reference (in this case, Plath's unfulfilled existence).

    Gwyneth Paltrow puts on a pretty grim performance as Plath, while Daniel Craig makes Ted Hughes look like a real creep. The movie isn't any kind of masterpiece, but I think that it gives a good sense of how one's existence influences one's work. It's worth seeing for that.