• Warning: Spoilers
    I am fond of Tyler Perry, I like his work. But this one misses the mark. In fact, it's no where close. I clicked on the "contains spoiler" box only because I really hope someone will read this and just avoid wasting 90 minutes of their life. The spoiler is this movie is a joke. Really. I found myself laughing, not because of the comedy (which is absent from the movie), but laughing because of how bad it was.

    An extremely predictable plot laced with laughable acting make this movie a complete waste of time...and money! Of course, any movie that casts Kim Kar-Trashian with more than 30 seconds of script is sure to be as garbage as one may expect. Not that she ruined the movie, but it was definitely an extra kick in the teeth to an already straight-to-DVD B-movie at best. This is a movie you get payback on one of your friends with; but watch out, after watching this movie they may not be your friends anymore!