• Warning: Spoilers
    The Walking Dead's third season was one that left you wanting nothing but more every time an episode was done, no doubt this season was a roller coaster ride but the Season Finale didn't really cap off this season as many of us believed it would.

    The Season Finale was good don't get me wrong but at the same time it wasn't what I pictured it was going to be. I set my expectations way too high.

    Since the Mid-Season Finale the war between Woodbury & The Prison has been leading up to their clash come the season finale, & this is one that disappointed. The Gov. enters the prison, & they fall into Rick's trap immediately, making them fall back to retaliate. & I honestly thought the battle was going to be what was going to carry half of the finale, but something interesting comes out of Woodbury's attack & that's seeing the Gov. snap as we never seen him before, killing his entire army because of the fact of them not wanting to fight back. Now w/ the Gov. only left w/ two of his henchmen, it'll be interesting to see how he'll retaliate come Season 4.

    What I found completely interesting about this episode is seeing the evolution of Carl. This episode proved that Carl is willing to do anything it takes to protect everything he loves & cares about, almost following the quote the Gov. said himself "You kill or you die" so Carl going into season 4 could or could not be a major case.

    The shock value of this episode in which consists of both Andrea & Milton. I called Milton not making it to season 4 but his death in the way it came surprised me (mainly because I pictured something else in store for him) but I liked how Milton evolved in the past two episodes from a man who wouldn't even think of picking up a gun, to the man who tried to kill the Gov. himself. Now the Gov. stabbing Milton & leaving him to turn & tear Andrea limb from limb was sick, sure it took her forever to get herself lose but as soon as she did Walker Milton was coming towards her, you hear some screaming but the screen goes black, last thing that would come to mind is Andrea got bitten but that was indeed the case. This completely came as a shock to me because Andrea was the last character I could of called getting killed off this episode, but at the same time I felt like her time had come.

    & to wrap it up, Rick has brought the remaining Woodbury citizens to the Prison, in which Tyreese joined Rick's group so i'm excited to go more into Tyreese's character come S4. Rick feels this would be a way to start forming a sort of civilization that Woodbury had, which will be interesting to see how that'll wrap up come S4.

    The Walking Dead's third season was great! but it just didn't have the Season Finale everyone mostly pictured it'd be. Really looking forward to Season 4 & seeing how the Woodbury/Prison rivalry will continue, i'm glad they didn't kill off the Gov. in the season finale because if they would of, it would of felt as if they rushed the ending to this storyline. w/ the Gov. still out there, no one's safe.