
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a Star Trek fan of long standing, I went to see the 2009 reboot of the film franchise with some trepidation. But in fact I thoroughly enjoyed it, partly because it held a surprise and had the guts to stick with it.

    And so, to this year's effort. There are many things to like about it. The performances are mostly good. Benedict Cumberbatch is a striking villain, while Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto do a good job of the reversed Spock/Kirk death scene. It is not slow or boring, and the script has some fun moments.

    Special effects were good, but that's a given these days. I saw it in 3D, but that didn't seem to add much.

    I don't remember much about the music, so it was presumably neither good nor bad.

    But the film just isn't Star Trek, when all is said and done. It is, rather, an action film a la Total Recall with some Star Trek characters and overtones bolted on. It would have been just as possible to make this film with a wholly non-ST cast and a different spaceship.

    I enjoyed it on that action-film level, but, as a Star Trek film, it is a disappointment.

    Rating: 6/10.