• Yesterday I had an opportunity to watch this movie. Even after hearing many positive comments, I was hesitating for a while about watching that since I did not manage to watch very good Russian movies produced lately except the movie "Stilyagi", but my desire to see the movie about the legendary Harlamov took over. I got interested due to the fact that my Dad watched that famous hockey match USSR vs Canada and he told me that was a life-time event when USSR hockey team proved to be the best one in the world. I was not even born then yet, but read about that match and V. Harlamov in particular. Moreover I was very curious to find out more about Tarasov, who was very good coach with his special "hard-to-cope" training routine that brought its fruits. I must tell I was not disappointed and did not feel I wasted my time. Of course I was not impressed by computer effects (this area still leaves to be desired) and some very predictable moments. I still do not like that post-Soviet heritage in the Russian movies when foreigners are shown like stupid and cruel ones (compared to bulls) who then suddenly change to good ones after lessons taught by main character. But I was impressed by acting of Vladimir Menshov whose characters were mainly good guys. I was surprised by Oleg Menshikov, who used to be a good actor but seemed to have lost his acting grip. I must admit in this movie he was good and I believed that Tarasov might have behaved, lived and coached the way Menshikov embodied him. Of course tastes differ so it's better to watch it yourselves. My recommendation? It is worth watching. See you in the movies.