• 'Martin and Lewis' are revisited in Hawaii Comedy Barbara Bushta Schoolcraft College LIVONIA-- We've got some summer fun in the new comedy indie that bills itself as, "Hawaii's first major motion picture comedy." GET A JOB is madcap fun in Hawaii.

    The protagonists are Willie K and Eric Gilliom. Willie K is the straight man to Eric Gilliom's crazy, burned-out surfer character. Willie K is a job search agent who keeps sending Gilliom on various employment searches. Gilliom is a surfer, out-of-water, who needs a job to help his Hawaiian auntie. There is also a subplot about Willie K trying to marry his girlfriend Laura (Carolyn Omine).

    Willie K and Gilliom remind you of some of the 'Martin and Lewis' motion picture comedies from the 50's. This would play well in France also. One of the best bits entails Gilliom driving a school bus full of Japanese tourists. Ukulele sensation, Jake Shimabukuro, steals the scene. The bus is being chased by a crazed Maui cop, Augie T. This Filipino comic is a very real and he has plenty of likable sequences.

    The duo gets into numerous funny and silly situations. Some are PG-humorous and some are soft R-rated fun. Gilliom becomes the comedy center of the film. The soundtrack is great and summer-fun bouncy. The music is one of the film's best assets and there are cameos from Mick Fleetwood, Willie Nelson and Pat Simmons.

    Of course, there is the beautiful Hawaiian scenery throughout the film. The movie ends with a hilarious wedding scene. Cinematographer, Dan Hersey, gets kudos and praises for plenty of close-ups.

    Written and directed by Brian Kohne, GET A JOB is good-natured fun for the summer party and backyard bar-b-que crowd.
