
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Sara is a student and works as a bartender. One night she meets Alex a nice girl and she is too drunk to be able to go home alone so Sara offers to drive her. Arrived at home between the two a romance is born and then intervenes Eric, a schoolmate that Sara likes him. The three have fun at Alex's house in one evening then invites Eric to leave because they feel better without his company. They try to know each other better and thereby finds that both are orphans. Alex has a stepparent and take them by surprise one evening when the two are found kissing on the trampoline. Alex has a much better situation then Sarah, she has her own car and a fancy house that has remained as legacy, a half is her and can be visited on weekends. Sara loses her job after being accused by a colleague Brooke and because of her loses and the place where she lives. Alex tells her that she is unsatisfied by Nina the wife of her stepfather and would be better if he would disappear from the landscape and reminds her that she is in a similar situation with Brooke and if the two would die, their problems would solve. Sara of course do not believe she meant seriously but it turns out that she wasn't joking and she kills Brooke but put the murder in Sara's hands. Now she is the one who has to do the same to keep her part of the agreement and for retaliation. But this will not be so easy and will go through a lot to be able to make excuses for the police and make them believe that she is not the murderer.

    It is a very fast film with a lot of lesbianism frequent sequences the shift from relationships between girl-girl and boy-girl, of course it has flaws when the police comes to Alex's home to ask Sara about what she did the night when the murder took place, before she leave, tells her if she has a clue that might help her in the investigation, to give her a call but the policewoman doesn't let a card or a phone number and Sara could not have known her number. Then you do not go with a girl you just met that night and you do not get in her car, find other options such as to call her a cab.

    Not the best movie but it reminded me somehow of Wild Things and Cruel Intentions.